Price: 5,95€
Collection: Cooking, num. 2
Objective public: General
Pages: 120
Illuspations: 61
Size: 24 x 22,5 cm
Salads, freshness from the earth is the second book in the series A Taste of the Mediterranean. Ranging from the most traditional to the most sophisticated, it gives you the chance to taste basic salads with lettuce, tomato, onion and olives as well as combinations of all kinds including vegetables, pasta, potatoes and fish with crisp or dried ingredients or even - why not? - a lime foam or a Parmesan biscuit. A book which invites you to try out bold mixtures, and above all to change things round so that everybody can add their own personal touch.
Mariona Quadrada (Reus 1956) graduated in Catalan philology from the UB in 1979. In 1984, she created the Taller de Cuina Mariona Quadrada cookery school and, since then, she has been a cookery teacher. In 1996, she gave the talk “El Paisatge de Secà” (The Landscape of Secà) as part of the 2nd Catalan Cookery Congress. She has published more than forty cookbooks, participated in many projects for institutions, and radio and television programmes and writes articles for several publications. She is currently continuing her culinary and educational work, and continues to include her experiences in books like this. Josep Borrell Garciapons carries out architectural studies. He studied design and photography at the Eina college. He extended his training in photographic techniques in Barcelona and Switzerland. He has provided the photographic illustrations for eleven literary, artistic and gastronomic guides, he has had photographs published in architectural, photographic and fashion magazines and has also illustrated art catalogues. His work has been exhibited in Reus, Tarragona, Barcelona. and Palma and has carried out photographic reportages in 31 countries.