Price: 5,95€
Collection: Cooking, num. 3
Objective public: General
Pages: 120
Illuspations: 63
Size: 24 x 22,5
Binding: hardback
Appetizers and tapas, whims for the senses, is the third book in the series “Amb Gust de Mediterrani” (Taste of the Mediterranean). In this volume we are offering you a recess that is fundamentally aimed at pleasure, thus a guide of proposals so that you can enjoy yourself both in the kitchen and at table. You will find a wide-ranging variety of amusements, “amuse bouche” if you will, ranging from classic deep-rooted bar tapas right through to appetizers adapted to current tastes and contemporary uses. In these pages we invite you to rummage, shake-it-up, pick and choose, although in particular we want to tempt you to get involved with the basic products and cook them so as to turn them into true whims for the taste buds.
Mariona Quadrada (Reus 1956) graduated in Catalan Philology in the year 1979 by the UB. In 1984 she created the cooking school “Taller de Cuina Mariona Quadrada” in Reus and since then she has been dedicated to teaching about cooking. In 1996 she presented the lecture “El Paisatge de Secà” (The Landscape of the Drylands), within the scope of the 2nd Catalan Congress on Cuisine. She has published more than forty cook books, participating in multiple projects for institutions, radio and television programmes and writing articles for a diversity of publications. She has published Peix, marisc i bacallà. Un regal de l’aigua, i Amandides. La frescor de la terra (Fish, Shellfish and Cod Fish. A Gift from the Water, and Salads. The Freshness of the Land) with Cossetània. Josep Borrell studied architecture. He has also studied design and photography at the Eina School. He continued with his training in photographic techniques in both Barcelona and Switzerland. He has photographed eleven guide books, on literature, art and gastronomy. He has published his photographs on the cover of architecture, photography and fashion magazines and he has also illustrated a number of art catalogues. His work has been on display in Reus, Tarragona, Barcelona and Palma and he has executed photographic reportages in 31 countries. He has published Peix, marisc i bacallà. Un regal de l’aigua, i Amandides. La frescor de la terra (Fish, Shellfish and Cod Fish. A Gift from the Water, and Salads. The Freshness of the Land) with Cossetània.